0800 Position 17-30S 149-49W. Anchored at the head end of Cook's Bay, Moorea
A Windjammer cruise ship anchored just inside the mouth of the bay during the night and it filled the northern opening in morning. We had a leisurely morning enjoying the beauty of Oponohu Bay. Rob, Renee, and Mike went for a dinghy tour after breakfast. They checked out the fleet anchored at the other end of the bay and the scenery in between.
After lunch we powered two miles east to Cook's Bay and anchored near its head end. Cook's is similar to Oponohu, but is almost fully developed along its shores with resorts, stores, and homes. There are more boats moored here as well, which we normally don't seek out, but Rob agreed to come over to make it easier for me to find transportation to the ferry on the other side of Moorea today.
I am flying to Hawaii tonight to spend a week with Lori and take care of business at home after being away for more than two months. Van Diemen will likely depart Moorea tomorrow, spend a few days in Huahine, and then head over to Raiatea where I will meet her on 6/18. I hope to post some pictures of our adventures since leaving Californa in the blog next week when I have internet access, but daily reports on the cruise likely won't be posted until I return.
Aloha, Noodle
Enjoy your break! I look forward to you resuming your journalistic duties when you return!