Saturday, October 28, 2017

Tasmania or Bust

0800 position 42-54S 147-20E.  Tied to the Visitor's Dock, Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania, Hobart.

The seeds of this adventure were planted for me a few years ago when I was going through some old photos and found a great one I shot of Rob steering Windward Passage south of Tasmania in 1978.  We hadn't been in contact in years, but I emailed the photo to Rob and he replied indicating that Van Diemen would be heading back to Tasmania in a year or so.  Did I want to come along?

This has been a great seven month odyssey.  I got to sharpen up my boatbuilding skills, visit two continents, seven countries, and dozens of islands, sail 10,000 miles, get reacquainted with old friends, and make some new ones.  It has been time well spent and I am grateful to Rob for the invitation.  I hope you have enjoyed sailing along with us.

The end of one adventure marks the beginning of another.  Lori flies down in a few days and we will spend a couple of weeks exploring Tasmania.  We'll head north to spend Thanksgiving in Australia's Hunter Valley with pal David Schaefer before returning to Hawaii.

Rob steering Windward Passage south of Tasmania, January 1978

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  1. Awesome Noodle! Great to hear you all arrived safely and completed a "dream voyage" all the way to Tasmania. Fantastic blogging throughout. Mahalo for taking us along for the ride.

  2. Hi Noodle,
    Thoroughly enjoyed your blog, and following along the journey with Google maps. BTW, I'm a friend of Matt's here in Gig Harbor WA. Hope to meet you next Summer, before your voyage on the "Thankful" to Alaska.
